Wednesday, January 16, 2013

NOVEMBER, we went home

We saw mountains!!! I posted a while ago all about my dad's funeral,
now I will post our trip home... We left on a Tuesday and arrived in Vegas Wednesday
evening, it was a bitter sweet experience, We loved seeing family, I am happy my dad is not suffering or sick, or uncomfortable, but so sad that I can't talk to him again, I miss him badly, I want Sam to know him, I want my kids to walk with him, I want Ethan to play harmonicas with him, I want to see him watch football.  I love my dad, he was a good man, I am glad we could go home and make these wonderful memories with wonderful people.  Her is our trip out of order and random but it was our trip.

We roasted marshmallows in Jeff's backyard
Luke carved Wilson's name in the grand kids tree
                                                                        We shot cannons Seth, Ethan, Kate, Ari, and Wilson.
WE HUNG OUT!!! Seth, Kate, Makenzie, Ethan, and Ari.
we met MONSTER Kate's new love
we cuddled Aunt Gnomey and Granny Bird
                                                           We watched football Mo, Quincy, Locke, Melinda,
                                                                              Daisy, Enoch, Heath
here are the oldest grandson's/pall bearers with Papa's casket
Good boys, paying tribute
My Brother's, Jeff, Eric, Quincy
                                                                 Eric and Lyndee
Pictures so out of order, here are the boys getting the casket out
Johnny looking on wanting to be part
                                                                   Tucker and Seth leading the procession
Anna celebrated her birthday in Las Vegas with her biggest fan WILSON!!!
he loves every ounce of Anna and was so happy to see her again.
we swam
We did the polar plunge
                                                             We did the tutti tot with Tucker
many rides were taken Gentry and Luke
more mountains were seen
we made cookies with Karlee and Anna
                                                             We used Anna as a fort
we did hair with cousins Kate, Gentry, and Mae
a snowy sunrise
mountains, we took a lot of these its been a year and half since we had seen them.
beautiful Colorado
We were able to celebrate Papa Dan's Birthday with him
at the park
                                                              Ethan fell in love with Tucker
We were a CRAZY mess of people
lunch at the park with cousins Ethan,. Haden, Gentry, Sam, Kate
Delaney, Grant, Wilson, Kahle, and Coleman
                                                          we climbed spider webs
We celebrated Thanksgiving with the Mann's Papa and Wilson
Sam slept
We celebrated Christmas with the Mann's Kate with Santa
                                                            We climbed our favorite tree Kate
Uncle Mark took us to the Magical Forest
Granny, Josh and Dexter
                                Josh and Sam the oldest grandchild and the youngest
Kate saw the Grinch
Sam and Enoch rode a train
some of the group, Caleb, Granny, Dexter, Gentry, Kate, Locke, Sam
Enoch, Mae, Josh and Christy
                                               We slept
My siblings and mom Jeff, Mom, Naomi, Quincy, Lyndee, Melinda, me, and Eric
more lunch with Mann cousin
Lots of playing with Seth who we were so happy to finally meet
                                                                   wrestling with Papa
Sam, Kahle and Lacy all 3
Haden and Ethan
Enoch and Sam sharing cheetos
                                                        Sam, Enoch and Wilson enjoyed each other a lot
Wilson and Aunt Gnomey rode the train together
Gentry has a way with these cousins, she doesn't walk very often, Gentry and Tucker

Ethan and Santa
Gentry and Santa
Breakfast at Beth's
more wrestling
Mann cousins playing music
happy to see Santa