Tuesday, November 6, 2012


 I love my Sam, I love that he wants to be by me all day, I love every inch of every day with him!!!
 I love his Lightening McQueen Booty
 I love his kisses
 I love that while we wait in the car line for his guys,
He talks to his friend in the mirror and sings him songs.
 I love that while shopping he doesn't mind if I make him look goofy.
 I love how his hands work, holding the new frogs
Spot and Dot.
 I love my helper.
 A lot!!
I love every bit of his silliness.
 I love my Mann Cub.
 I love his hands, his ears, and his beautiful face.
I love that he can wear Elmo.
I love that he will eat an apple whole, in underwear
while sitting on a basket that caught his toys!!!


 "Leaves are falling all around on the rooftops on the ground"

10 of the most beautiful blue eyes


This summer these two changed a lot, there relationship grew, and there friendship even more,
and with them at the same school this year, they ride there bikes, and walk together, I am one sappy mom it makes my heart happy!!!

Fall Neighborhood Festival.

 Our neighborhood has a lot of fun things, we went to the festival this year and the girls got unicorns, with GLITTER and JEWELS!!! Little Girl Heaven!!!
 Wilson got his own Detroit Tiger, balloon.
Sam a gun.
No pictures of Ethan, he was in his happy place about 15 boys, 1 soccer ball,
1 football, unlimited BBQ chicken legs, and cookies, It was pretty AWESOME.


Nate and the Boys went to a Tiger's game in September.
Wilson talks about different lands that he would like to visit, candy land
robot land, funny land, when they pulled up to the stadium, Wilson said,
"This is funny land"
glad he visited his land.
Ethan, Johnny, Wilson, and Bryce.
The boys.
My boys have never seen anything like this, THEY WERE SO EXCITED!!!
Ethan, Jonah, Hiram, and Scott.
While the boys are away, The girls will play,

Saturday, November 3, 2012

Kinder, Second, Fourth...First day of School

                         Ethan 4th grade goal for the year...Math, and score a lot of goals during  recess.
 Kate 2nd grade goal of the year...learn and read harder words, perfect her cartwheels.
 Wilson Kinder goal of the year...Learn to read, using a BIG voice, write numbers.
 Gentry Kinder goal of the year...Learn to read, and climb to the top of the spider web.
 Sam gets me to himself and he want sot get potty trained!!!
 I walked the big kids to school, Nate took the twiners
 Oh my sweet kids are so excited!!!
 Kate and the girls
 On our walk home it started pouring Sam and I hid under a tree and laughed, Nate rescued us.

 Then we made cookies for our "Guys" Sam looks quite content being the only cookie snitcher.

End of summer Beach Parties

We got together with the Cragun's and Flanagan's for swimming,
BBQ, and Fun!!

 Bryce and Gentry
 Nate and Bryan throwing the kids, Johnny
 Kate and Gentry


 Sam and Olivia
 Over Labor Day we went to Grand Haven to enjoy Lake Michigan one last time for the year
This time the Flanagan's joined us.
 Bryce and Gentry
 Kate and Rylee
 Sand Monsters
So much fun!!!

Gentry taking Bryce for a ride
 Relaxing, before kindergarten starts

 Sam wanted to catch water, the next few pictures are of him figuring it out...

 We walked the Pier to see the lighthouse, and in good Ethan form he had to jump off of something, Kate, Gentry, Johnny and Bryce all joined in the fun.
All the kiddos
We stopped at a park for dinner

 Summer is officially over and it was SUPER!!! I am excited for the school year and for the Greatness my kids will continue to turn into, This year we will hit Kindergarten times two, turn double digits, learn 5th grade math in fourth grade, cursive writing, reading, and spend lots of time hanging out with Sam the Mann, and enjoy life with my Resident!!!