Friday, September 14, 2012

End of may excursions.

With 3 May Birthday's, and living on a lake, my in laws sent us a raft as an awesome group gift, so we couldn't not take some afternoon floats on the lake, Sam loves napping on the lake and we just float, Gentry will lay like that and just feel the water at her fingertips.
 Look at that picture we live in a beautiful world!!! and my kids aren't to bad either.
 And he is FABULOUS!!!
 we visited a nature center, it has a dome built in under the pond that you can walk in and see the pond from the bottom, they also take specimens out and let the kids see all the living things in buckets...I bet you can't guess who was THRILLED...
 YEP Wilson got to play with tadpoles/poly wogs
 Next field trip was to a petting zoo and park, Wilson is a dare devil, nobody else would even try it, Wilson went right in and...
 Got scared off.
This tortoise had a bum front leg and was trying to cross the street, we stopped to see it then helped it out of the street so it wouldn't get run over.