Monday, December 3, 2012

Arthur B. Edwards December 4, 1936 - November 11, 2012

I am jumping ahead a bit to write a few thoughts so I don't loose them, My dad passed away 3 weeks ago, it was a bit of a shock, I feel blessed to have known him.  He and my mom had been together for 50 years, they would have celebrated there 50th wedding anniversary on December 21.  The series of events leading up to his passing are quick, and from what I have been told he wasn't in pain.  He was diagnosed with non-Hodgkin's lymphoma  back in September/October, he started chemo Monday November 5, and my mom sent an email telling us that it had gone well and that on Tuesday he would receive a final medicine, my favorite part of the email was when my mom added that he would be taking senior citizens to vote on Tuesday before his appointment.  On the following Saturday morning Quincy called to tell me that dad had been taken to the hospital in pain, and they were checking for a heart attack, his heart came back OK but had some sort of blockage in the belly, at this time my family kept me up to date on him and he wasn't getting better, he wasn't breathing on his own and his organs were failing, He passed away on Sunday, He isn't in pain, or suffering.  My dad was a good man, with a strong testimony of his Savior, he was fun, and told great stories, he loved my mom, he taught us how to love everyone and not judge, I miss my dad, I am happy he doesn't have to hurt anymore, but I miss him answering the phone and hearing him say in the biggest voice he has JENNIFER, I will cherish the 6 days my family had with him in June and the lifetime of memories I can share with my kids.  I love my dad!!!

     Some thoughts from the funeral, Lyndee gave the eulogy and talked about his football, and schooling, his mission in Switzerland and Austria, his love of my mom.  Lyndee talked of his stature and most would remember him looking something like her but really he was like my brothers. 
     Melinda spoke next and shared some stories of how he served and how he could write, she shared a letter he had written to  former seminary student writing in a clever epistle, how he had taken Christmas to kids who didn't have it, and the last letter he had written was to her daughter Anna, a creative poem about her athletic ability.
     Jeff shared thoughts about Edelweiss and how a woman that my dad had baptised on his mission had given him one, Edelweiss are a rare flower found in Austria and Switzerland. He shared stories of my dads integrity, and always obeying the word of wisdom.
     After Jeff the grand kids sang Give said the little stream, Edelweiss, and Love is Spoken Here, accompanied by Anna.
     I followed the musical number and shared a story about how my dad loved sharing his testimony, and taught me to share mine as much as possible.
     Naomi and my dad would play the trumpet and piano together, she shared his ability to play just about anything and have it sound like music, how he could calm roudy kids with music, and how he was the leader of the band.  "the leader of the band is tired and his eyes are growing old, But his blood runs through my instrument and his song is in my soul, My life has been a poor attempt to imitate the man, I'm just a living legacy to the leader of the band."
     Quincy finished by telling stories of my dad swimming with him, and the way he could dive and flip,  and caring him on his back while swimming, he also told how my dad lives in each of his kids.  He also shared how my dad would hunt right in his backyard.
      Each talk was much better than I have written, they were excellent, and it was neat to hear each person talk about my dad.  The member of my mom's bishopric wrapped up the meeting by sharing a story about his son and a friend wanting to build a bomb, and not having the right stuff, so they went to Brother Edwards house and he helped them get the right stuff to build a bomb.
     My Uncle Mahlon gave the family prayer, Uncles Karl and Keith, said the prayers, and Roy Atkin dedicated the grave. 
My dad taught the 11 year old boys in his ward and loved that calling, he would study and work hard to teach the boys the gospel.  The following day was Sunday, and we attended sacrament meeting with my mom, where one of my dads primary boys was speaking, he started his talk about what he was thankful for, He said what he was really thankful for was Brother Edwards, he talked of how my dad taught him German, and how my dad would play his bugle and his dog would sing, he talked of building a bomb with my dad, and how much he loved my dad, he shared a couple of German phrases that he had been taught and they were from the Joseph Smith story.   My dad will be missed by all, he was a great man, who I feel very blessed to have been taught by such a great teacher.

Dad and Uncle Mahlon Christmas 1937

Dad I am guessing in high school
football star

Senior dream

                                                                       Mission Picture
Playing his trumpet on his mission.

My dad used to have us sing at his office
Quincy, Jeff, Naomi, Me, Melinda, Lyndee

Me, Melinda and Dad

Daddy daughter date when I was 11

Ethan and Papa having a snowball fight

Spring Mountain ranch 2010
My dads smile is great
mom holding Sam

Christmas 2010

Dad and Wilson
Easter 2011

Dad and Sam
Memorial day 2011

Mom, Dad
Gentry, Wilson, Sam
Upper Straits Lake
June 2012

Papa Birdy taking Sam for rides

Frankenmuth June 2012
Wilson, Ethan, Dad, Mom, Kate and Gentry


Kate, Papa and Sam

Dad cliff jumping
Slide Rock, Memorial day 2010

Dad Williams Arizona Memorial Day

Dad sharing cookies with Wilson and Gentry
My dad always had cookies, and was always willing to share!!!