Saturday, November 3, 2012

Kinder, Second, Fourth...First day of School

                         Ethan 4th grade goal for the year...Math, and score a lot of goals during  recess.
 Kate 2nd grade goal of the year...learn and read harder words, perfect her cartwheels.
 Wilson Kinder goal of the year...Learn to read, using a BIG voice, write numbers.
 Gentry Kinder goal of the year...Learn to read, and climb to the top of the spider web.
 Sam gets me to himself and he want sot get potty trained!!!
 I walked the big kids to school, Nate took the twiners
 Oh my sweet kids are so excited!!!
 Kate and the girls
 On our walk home it started pouring Sam and I hid under a tree and laughed, Nate rescued us.

 Then we made cookies for our "Guys" Sam looks quite content being the only cookie snitcher.